Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thailand Update 1

Sawat Dee from Thailand!
We wanted to share with you a mid-week update from the work happening here in Thailand.  There are a number of stories of how God has been moving here.  Enjoy and please continue to pray!
We arrived October 19th in the late evening after a very long international flight.  Customs went smoothly and we were in!  The team piled into our first song tow (group taxi).   This was to be our common mode of transportation where our fearless leaders would often stand on the bumper's back rails when it got too packed.   Weaving through this through this city of 2 million people on the "wrong  side of the road" with never a traffic light or hardly a sign in sight is an experience in itself! 

The hotel accommodations are nice with an open courtyard with trees growing up out of the area to help shade the eating area.  It feels safe and comfortable after a long day. We enjoy the food here that Kuhn Dang serves us each day.  Saturday was a recovery, training and city orientation day.  We prayer walked the neighborhood Saturday and prayed for the lost.  The number of Buddhist temples is staggering.  They dominate the city's corners and steeple the landscape everywhere you look.  Many of the city's young men are monks who need Christ just as we do.  What would it look like if they came to Christ and the temples were turned to churches that worship the true God?  

We were able to train on Sunday before church, and then we split up to worship and minister in different locations.  Jeff knew a missionary from his church in  NE and led their class.  God had 3 teens there that were not yet His sons, but that morning, they became part of His great family!  The pastor was excited and the teens are set to be baptized next week. 

Chad took the larger group to the supported church where we would work most of the week. They have a small but vibrant church there.  There is a strong group of age 30 and younger who want to learn to share their faith.   Joel and Ellen shared their testimonies of how God was faithful in their lives.  Later the pastor's wife shared with Ellen, "Your story is my story."  God was bonding our hearts together. We may be different people who live on the other side of the world, but we have the same stories and the same great God who makes our lives worth living. After the service, they shared a lovely meal with us. 

Nichole, Ellen and Kelli went to a local home for girls that have either been trafficked or are at high risk for being trafficked here in Thailand. They were able to share in joyful laughter through games with the girls. We closed off the night by educating the girls with the Priceless Cube about how to protect themselves and others from being trafficked. The girls then heard the Good News of Jesus and two accepted Christ and two more rededicated their lives!

Sunday night we prayer walked with the church around that neighborhood.  God led the Pastor's group to an apartment building which was owned by a man who was a Christian but had fallen away for 20 years.  He visited with us and said that he now wanted to help.  He was encouraging about allowing us to use his property for an 'I Am Second' Bible study that week. We prayed with him and asked God's blessing on him and his family.  The prayers that went up all through that neighborhood on Sunday were key to the next day's success in meeting people with open hearts over the next few days. 

Monday night was exciting as Pastor Kam Sean had the idea to go to the deaf school and witness.  Now who is going to be able to hear the Word there?!  But God had a teacher sitting at the gate watching the students who was friendly and willing to hear the truth that Christ would give him His merit.  Mit's heart was ready.  He prayed to accept Christ and said he would meet us the next day.   Other contacts were made through people we met many people who we witnessed to.  Nok will allow us to come back to her salon and study the Bible with her, but she can't accept Christ or it would dishonor her family and her traditions.  They understand the sacrifice it will take to "leave all and follow Christ."  This is the roadblock we keep hearing over and over.

Tuesday night we took the apartment owner up on having a study at his outdoor "lobby."  Jimmy led the group and 3 came to Christ!  Our prayers were being answered already.  On the same evening, some of the ladies in our group were working with the Priceless Cube (a human trafficking education tool) and the EvangeCube with women in a local park.  Nichole got to share Christ with a woman named Noi.  She had heard of Christ but never knew for sure just who He is.  Now He is her Savior. 

Wednesday brought more opportunities: We had part of the team witness on the college campus while the rest worked around the church's neighborhood.  We head back out tomorrow and will shoot out another update in a couple days...more to come soon.

Thanks for the Prayers!
The Thailand Team


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