Monday, June 30, 2014

Costa Rica missions, update #2

Each morning we spend time in worship and heart preparation for the day's work of ministry!

The other pictures represent a day of local church sports outreach in one of the remote areas outside of San Jose. Sports is one way we are helping the church build bridges of relationship with children, youth and families.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Costa Rica Missions, update #1

After meeting with our host churches this morning for worship and prayer, we were treated by a once-in-a-lifetime experience today. The Costa Rica soccer team advanced to the final eight in the World Cup! There is really no way to describe how joyous a soccer or "futbol" crazed country can be when they've achieved something of this significance. The entire city was (and in some places still is) out in the streets waving flags and honking horns. It was quite the sight to behold!

This evening our team of 25+ met for orientation and fellowship. God has richly blessed our group with diversity of generations and seasons of life. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we begin sharing hope and the good news of Jesus Christ. For god so loved [Costa Rica] that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.