Monday, October 20, 2014

Thailand: Sports camps and home visits begin

Today was the first day of the sports camp where we focused on teaching kids from the village different skills in soccer, volleyball, and some basics with frisbee.  We have been able to partner with Compassion International to provide this camp for their sponsored kids and invite others looking to have some fun.  The kids kept going at full speed throughout the day even though it was hot and sunny all day.  Several of us were able to share what accepting Jesus has done in our lives.  Then Andrew finished the day by sharing his testimony and presenting the Gospel with a group of about 50 children.

Several members spent the morning going on home visits in a nearby village.  We were welcomed into many homes in a predominantly Buddhist village.  Two groups made up of mission trip team members, interpreters, and local church members presented the Gospel.  This was the first time many of them had heard of what Jesus Christ did for us.  They were very receptive to having local church members return to tell them more about Jesus.

To round the day out, the entire group split up and went out to visit 6 houses.  These visits were to present the Gospel to the parents of children that are part of the Compassion program.  Parents were receptive to hearing and learning more on these visits as well.

We ask that you pray for continued open hearts for the people in these Northern Thai villages.  Please pray that we have a continued safe and healthy trip.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Costa Rica Missions, Final Update

This morning back in the USA many of us are sharing our God stories from Costa Rica with our home churches. We experienced God's story through our stories of His love. Thank you to the hundreds of brothers and sisters in Christ that prayed and gave financially to make this mission opportunity happen!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Costa Rica Missions, update #5

Thursday we wrapped up our last day of evangelism and discipleship training. As you can see the group still has some energy! We closed the day with a worship service celebrating our week of ministry together with our Costa Rican brothers and sisters. The young man and baby in this picture represents an incredible story of how God's love pursues each one of us. Just over a year ago this father was on a path far from God but in recent months has come to follow Christ and now is hosting a house church in his home. This week was full of testimonies of Gods transforming power!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Costa Rica Missions, update #4

Much of our ministry days are spent going house to house in the mountains and valleys alongside the national Christians. Together we share the good news of Jesus and connect the local church with new discipling relationships. The rain can even works to our advantage in that people are more than willing to invite you to their homes for fellowship. :-)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Costa Rica missions, update #3

Fun pics from Day 3...

First pic: Both mom and dad put their faith in Christ today and were introduced to a new believers discipleship group.

Second pic: Eye glass clinics are another great bridge to share the love of Christ and enhance the reputation of the local churches.

Third picture: It speaks for itself, YIKES!!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Costa Rica missions, update #2

Each morning we spend time in worship and heart preparation for the day's work of ministry!

The other pictures represent a day of local church sports outreach in one of the remote areas outside of San Jose. Sports is one way we are helping the church build bridges of relationship with children, youth and families.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Costa Rica Missions, update #1

After meeting with our host churches this morning for worship and prayer, we were treated by a once-in-a-lifetime experience today. The Costa Rica soccer team advanced to the final eight in the World Cup! There is really no way to describe how joyous a soccer or "futbol" crazed country can be when they've achieved something of this significance. The entire city was (and in some places still is) out in the streets waving flags and honking horns. It was quite the sight to behold!

This evening our team of 25+ met for orientation and fellowship. God has richly blessed our group with diversity of generations and seasons of life. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we begin sharing hope and the good news of Jesus Christ. For god so loved [Costa Rica] that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.