Monday, January 7, 2013

Call to Prayer for Thailand


Dear friends,

Over the years in missions we have seen it time and time again, when we lead with prayer great things happen.  2013 will be no different.  We are so excited about what God has planned for this coming year and we would like to invite you to pray for Thailand.
Right at this moment a short-term team is on its way to Thailand to plug into the long-term church planting strategy we have put together.  This is the first team that will hit the ground without Jenni and me.  The team will be led by the Thai pastor I have been working with for the past two years.  We are very excited for the progress but wish we were there.  Please pray for blessings and Kingdom success for this group of college students.
Going forward in 2013 here is how you can be involved:

Pray for Thailand
Watch the Video

- Fervent prayer that God will be glorified in Thailand
- Pray for Thailand at 10:02
- Pray against barriers of religion and tradition
- Pray for the strong national leader/partner God has for us
- Pray for laborers in Thailand
- Pray for laborers to GO to Thailand

In His grip,

The Jessens