Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Church is Born Today

Nothing can prepare you for what God can do through the simple and ordinary until you surrender control to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to move through you. Walking in to a small store on the corner felt, to me, like an intrusion to someone’s privacy this morning, but the owner welcomed us with open arms and encouragement as she assured us that she was a born again Christian. As my translator, national Peruvian partner and I were about to exit the store, we were stopped by a woman curious to know what we were talking about and what that cube was in my hand. I asked her if she wanted to hear a story of how I became a Christian. “Oh yes!” she exclaimed. “My husband is a Christian but I am Catholic. I have wanted to know about Christianity since I was a young girl.” As I proceeded to share my testimony, I was led by the Holy Spirit to share parts of my testimony that I had yet to share with any other Peruvian. The Evangecube was shared, but not in its entirety as she was eager to accept Christ as her Savior and only path of salvation before I had reached the last step in the cube. Hosea, my national partner, was able to pray with her and lead her into a saving relationship with our Heavenly Father. After “Amen” she could not help but ask question after question about temptation, and sin, and how to pray and read the Bible. As we were concluding the visit she looked me in the face, held my hands, and said, “Thank you so much for traveling so far to share your history with me. I relate to you. I now have Jesus in my heart because of you sharing.” I could not hide the goosebumps on my arms. Why God would choose to work through me, a sinner, never ceases to amaze and humble me.

But the story does not end there. Estelle, our new sister in Christ, attended the cell group meeting this evening and brought her young eight year old daughter. She busily took notes, answered questions, and looked up answers in the Bible. Her daughter volunteered to read over 80% of the verses during the study. Praise God for the work that He is doing in the hearts of the Peruvians in Huancayo. His power is so evident as He works through ordinary people to reach a people for Himself.

As we shared during dinner the stories from the day attests to what God is doing in the hearts of the people here.

From another part of town here is a overview:
Our team traveled to a rural area just outside Huancayo, a place near Chupaca. A local cell group really wanted this area reached for Jesus Christ and wanted a church to be planted and started here. The sites were very rural but the homes were very open to guests, such as us. I remember one house I went to with Ricardo my translator and Theo, the local, was quite a ways up a hill. We traversed a long path, scrambled up the rocks, and were greeted by two brothers. We were invited to sit on the grass and we shared our testimonies. I shared the Evangecube and both of the brothers trusted in Christ for salvation. After we left that home, I looked up the hill and saw another of our team sharing with some children, I looked down below and saw two others sharing the gospel, and so on. God was moving mightily. I rejoiced in that many of our young missionaries were bold to share. One of the thoughts I had was, how can our churches back home remain the same? If we do, how sad. Yet, I am confident of this one thing, that He who has began a good work in our homes, will complete it until Christ returns.

During our sports clinic, we had shared the gospel with around 80 people and I would say about 60 accepted Christ. Just as Jeff Thompson got a group hug from the children, the rain began. God held off the rain to accomplish His plan. We then went to one of the local believers homes and held a cell group meeting. There were many new people that attended and God moved in such a big way, that what the local believers prayed for was accomplished. A Church Was Born Today.

Pray for this new church that they would be strengthened with God’s enduring power, and would continue to meet and reach out to their community. Pray that they would realize that even though they don’t feel adequate to do this outreach, that they are just the right ones God has chosen for His work. Praise God that in this area of Huancayo, God established a new church, and many will for generations to come, will see new life in Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

praying for you all!!!

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