Sunday, July 26, 2009

Peru Day 1

God is moving in Peru!

We arrived as a tired but anxious team this last Saturday, excited to see what God would do in and through us this week. There were a few close calls in getting everyone transported on time to Camana (our mission site) but God showed Himself strong as answered prayers marked the start of our trip.

On Sunday we had the chance to meet our great translators and the people of the churches we were to serve. After some training and time together we felt God uniting us for a great work.

Now today, our first day, we were able to witness God’s power in how He draws people to Himself. We watched Him demonstrate this through relationships built on the street; meeting people in their homes, sharing God’s love for their whole family, some time on the sports field, and through evening meetings of discipleship.

Here is one of the many stories from our first day here:

A team working San Isidro: “We were actually on our way back from our community where we were sharing the gospel and we had crammed into a taxi van to go back to the hotel. We realized that the taxi was the same one we had used the night before- our nationals had set it up so that this particular taxi with the same two men in it would pick us up each day. So one of our nationals who was with us decided to start talking to him. He asked his name and some of the basics of who he was and then asked to share with him about Jesus. He used the Evangecube to share the gospel with the one man who takes the money for the taxi and he was very attentive and wanted to accept Jesus into his heart. We gave him a Bible and showed him how to read it. We will be seeing him everyday, so it looks like we will be able to follow up with him and disciple him daily. “

Tomorrow we will include more stories from the field....

Please continue to pray from the prayer calendar and include these specific ones:

- That the Lord of the harvest will continue to raise up national workers at each site.

- For strength and endurance for the team and continued compassion for the people of Camana.

Your prayers are a major part of the mission here…please faithfully continue to pray!

In Him,

The Peru Team

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